Design Patent Disclosure Form
Design Patents help protect the unique shape, look and form of your products that are independent of the function of the product. A product design’s “look and feel” are typical subjects for design patents. Lloyd & Mousilli has directly been involved with the successful prosecution of several design patents varying from fashion and clothing accessories, to custom cases for electronics. It is critical to remember that design patents focus on the ornamental design of a product.
Design patents provide protection for 15 years and are not subject to maintenance fees. During those 15 years, it is advised that you monitor your patent for potential infringement.
Our team will draft your design patent based off of the responses provided to these questions. You are responsible for ensuring accuracy of the information that you provide to us. We do not take any responsibility for any incorrect information that you may provide, so it is critical that you evaluate your responses carefully. Once you have completed this form, a member of our staff will review it for final approval.
Please focus on the unique design as you work through the following questions to help us better understand the work you are seeking to protect. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Contact Information
Description of Product
Function of Product
I hereby affirm that all of the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge: